Since 2015, I have conducted over 900 energy healing sessions. I have found that every session is unique and I consistently receive positive feedback (see testimonials).
Most of my experience has been gained through practical application of learnings through the 1000+ hours of session work. In addition to past weekly class instruction from Russ Anderson, I graduated from a doctorate program for Chinese Energetic Medicine through the Temple of Change and Transformation. This program was taught by Doctor Jerry Alan Johnson and his associates. Certificates and areas of study under this program are listed below.
The certifications listed below have all been earned as part of the doctorate program in Chinese Energetic Medicine from Bing Hua Gong, the Temple of Change and Transformation.
Foundations of Chinese Energetic Medicine including Wuji Posture, Qigong Purging Exercises, Healing Sounds, Qi Scattering Exercises, Five Dao Yin Exercise, Turtle Breathing Exercise and Golden Ball Exercise
Medical Qigong Energetics, Perceptual Diagnosis, Qi Emission Training and related treatment protocols
Medical Qigong Energetics, Thought, Sound and Light Projection and related treatment protocols
Medical Qigong Treatments, Prescriptions and Meditations
Medical Qigong Posture, Breath, and Mind Training and related Daoist Dao Yin teachings
Medical Qigong Intuitive Perception, Empathetic Perception and Kinesthetic Perception Training, Inner Vision Meditation, Reading and Diagnosing Energetic Pattern and Aura Fields, Long-Distance Scanning and Diagnosis, Understanding Shadow Organs and Channels, Energetic Ball Applications Qi Emission with Moxa, Energetic Cupping and Patterns
Medical Qigong Healing Stones, Gem Remedies, Elixirs, Teas and Soups as well as Feng Shui training
Sixteen Principles of Chinese Neigong (internal skill) training, Gongli (power skill), Qigong (breath/energy skill) and Shengong (mind/spirit skill) training. First level training of Ming Jin (obvious power) Jin (hidden power) and Hua Jin (transforming power), Cultivation, Demonstration of Rooting, Energy Movement, Mind Projection Techniques, and the Storing and Discharging of Life Force Energy
Medical Qigong Therapies in Neurology and Geriatrics including treatment in Pre and Post Operative Care, Hospice Care for the terminally ill and Postnatal Baguazhang
Energetic approach to Cancer Treatment using Medical Qigong Therapy and Postnatal Baguazhang
Medical Qigong Therapies in Divine Laws, Radiant Healing, Sacred Seals and Postnatal Baguazhang
Medical Qigong Therapies in Energy Cultivation, Three Powers Training and Postnatal Baguazhang
Medical Qigong Therapies in the Center Core Taiga Pole, Three Dantians and Twelve Chakras
Medical Qigong Therapies in Energetic Psychology, Emotional Alchemy and Spiritual Transformation training
Medical Qigong Therapies and Ancient Daoist Alchemy
Additional Certifications from Bing Hua Gong, the Temple of Change and Transformation include:
- Chinese Energetic Medicine Practitioner
- Chinese Energetic Medicine Therapist
- Chinese Energetic Medicine Master